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Saturday, September 11, 2010

Ganesh Chaturthi

Ganesha Chaturthi (गणेश चतुर्थी) , also known as Vinayaka Chaturthi is the Hindu festival of Ganesha, the elephant-headed son of Shiva and Parvati, who is believed to bestow his presence on earth for all his devotees in the duration of this festival. It is the birthday of Lord Ganesha who is widely worshiped as the god of wisdom, prosperity and good fortune.

The festival is observed in the Hindu calendar month of Bhaadrapada, starting on the shukla chaturthi (fourth day of the waxing moon period). The date usually falls between 20 August and 15 September. The festival lasts for 10 days, ending on Anant Chaturdashi (fourteenth day of the waxing moon period).


Lokmanya Bal Gangadhar TilakIt is not known when and how Ganesh Chaturthi was first celebrated. But according to the historian Shri Rajwade, the earliest Ganesh Chaturthi celebrations can be traced back to the times of the reigns of dynasties as Satavahana, Rashtrakuta and Chalukya. Historical records reveal that Ganesh Chaturthi celebrations were initiated in Maharashtra by Chatrapati Shivaji Maharaja, the great Maratha ruler, to promote culture and nationalism. And it had continued ever since. There are also references in history to similar celebrations during Peshwa times. It is believed that Lord Ganapati was the family deity of the Peshwas. After the end of Peshwa rule, Ganesh Chaturthi remained a family affair in Maharashtra from the period of 1818 to 1892.
Before 1893, Ganesh Chaturthi used to be an important family festival during the Peshwa rule in Maharashtra, but that year, Indian freedom fighter and social reformer Lokmanya Tilak transformed the annual festival into a large, well-organized public event[1].
Tilak recognized the wide appeal of the deity Ganesh as "the god for everybody"[2][3], and popularized Ganesh Chaturthi as a national festival in order "to bridge the gap between Brahmins and 'non-Brahmins' and find a context in which to build a new grassroots unity between them", and generate nationalistic fervor among people in Maharashtra against the British colonial rule[4][5].
Tilak encouraged installation of large public images of Ganesh in pavilions, and also established the practice of submerging in rivers, sea, or other pools of water all public images of the deity on the tenth day after Ganesh Chaturthi[6].
Under Tilak's encouragement, the festival facilitated community participation and involvement in the form of intellectual discourses, poetry recitals, performances of plays, musical concerts, and folk dances. It served as a meeting ground for people of all castes and communities in times when, in order to exercise control over the population, the British discouraged social and political gatherings.Mumbai's godfather Vardhabhai (Varadharajan Mudaliar) recently popularized Ganesh Festival in the recent known times.

The festival is observed in the Hindu calendar month of Bhaadrapada, starting on the shukla chaturthi (fourth day of the waxing moon period). The date usually falls between 20 August and 15 September. The festival lasts for 10 days, ending on Anant Chaturdashi. This festival is observed in the lunar month of bhadrapada shukla paksha chathurthi madhyahana vyapini purvaviddha. If Chaturthi prevails on both days, the first day should be observed. Even if chaturthi prevails for the complete duration of madhyahana on the second day, if it prevails on the previous day's madhyahana period even for one ghatika (24 minutes), the previous day should be observed.[7]
 Celebration, rituals and tradition
 In India

Large idols such as this are seen all over Mumbai during the festivalTwo to three months prior to Ganesh Chaturthi, artistic clay models of Lord Ganesha are made for sale by specially skilled artisans. They are beautifully decorated & depict Lord Ganesh in various poses. The size of these statues may vary from 3/4th of an inch to over 25 feet.
Ganesh Chaturthi starts with the installation of these Ganesh statues in colorfully decorated homes and specially erected temporary structures mandapas (pandals) in every locality. The pandals are erected by the people or a specific society or locality or group by collecting monetary contributions. The mandapas are decorated specially for the festival, either by using decorative items like flower garlands, lights, etc. or are theme based decorations, which depict religious themes or current events.
The priest, usually clad in red silk dhoti and shawl, then symbolically invokes life into the statue by chanting mantras. This ritual is the Pranapratishhtha. After this the ritual called as Shhodashopachara (16 ways of paying tribute) follows. Coconut, jaggery, 21 modakas, 21 durva (trefoil) blades of grass and red flowers are offered. The statue is anointed with red unguent, typically made of Kumkum & Sandalwood paste . Throughout the ceremony, Vedic hymns from the Rig Veda, the Ganapati Atharva Shirsha Upanishad, and the Ganesha stotra from the Narada Purana are chanted.

Ganesh VisarjanFor 10 days, from Bhadrapad Shudh Chaturthi to the Ananta Chaturdashi, Ganesha is worshipped. On the 11th day, the statue is taken through the streets in a procession accompanied with dancing, singing, and fanfare to be immersed in a river or the sea symbolizing a ritual see-off of the Lord in his journey towards his abode in Kailash while taking away with him the misfortunes of his devotees, this is the ritual known as Ganesh Visarjan. At individual homes the Visarjan is also done on 3rd, 5th or 7th day as per the family tradition. All join in this final procession shouting "Ganapathi Bappa Morya, Pudhachya Varshi Laukar ya" (O lord Ganesha, come again speedily next year). After the final offering of coconuts, flowers and camphor is made, people carry the idols to the river to immerse it.
The main sweet dish during the festival is the modak (modagam or modakam in South India). A modak is a dumpling made from rice flour/wheat flour with a stuffing of fresh or dry-grated coconut, jaggery, dry fruits and some other condiments. It is either steam-cooked or fried. Another popular sweet dish is the karanji (karjikaiin Kannada) which is similar to the modak in composition and taste but has a semicircular shape.
Public celebrations of the festival are hugely popular, with local communities (mandalas) vying with each other to put up the biggest statue & the best pandal. The festival is also the time for cultural activities like singing and theater performances, orchestra and community activities like free medical checkup, blood donation camps, charity for the poor, etc.
Today, the Ganesh Festival is not only a popular festival, it has become a very critical and important economic activity for Maharashtra. Many artists, industries, and businesses survive on this mega-event. Ganesh Festival also provides a stage for budding artists to present their art to the public. The same holds true for Hyderabad and Chennai too.

Tuesday, August 31, 2010

The Story of the Birth of Lord Krishna

The birth of Krishna is in itself a transcendental phenomenon that generates awe among the Hindus and overwhelms one and all with its supra mundane happenings.

Mother Earth, unable to bear the burden of sins committed by evil kings and rulers, appealed to Brahma, the Creator for help. Brahma prayed to the Supreme Lord Vishnu, who assured him that he would soon be born on earth to annihilate tyrannical forces.

One such evil force was Kamsa, the ruler of Mathura (in northern India) and his people were utterly terrified of him. On the day Kamsa's sister Devaki was married off to Vasudeva, an akashvani or voice from the sky was heard prophesying that Devaki's 8th son would be the destroyer of Kamsa. The frightened Kamsa immediately unsheathed his sword to kill his sister but Vasudeva intervened and implored Kamsa to spare his bride, and promised to hand over every new born child to him. Kamsa relented but imprisoned both Devaki and her husband Vasudeva.
When Devaki gave birth to her first child, Kamsa came to the prison cell and slaughtered the newborn. In this way, he killed the first six sons of Devaki. Even before her 8th child was born, Devaki and Vasudeva started lamenting its fate and theirs. Then suddenly Lord Vishnu appeared before them and said he himself was coming to rescue them and the people of Mathura. He asked Vasudeva to carry him to the house of his friend, the cowherd chief Nanda in Gokula right after his birth, where Nanda's wife Yashoda had given birth to a daughter.

He was to exchange his boy and bring Yashoda's baby daughter back to the prison. Vishnu assured them that "nothing shall bar your path".
At midnight on ashtami, the divine baby was born in Kamsa's prison. Remembering the divine instructions, Vasudeva clasped the child to his bosom and started for Gokula, but found that his legs were in chains. He jerked his legs and was unfettered! The massive iron-barred doors unlocked and opened up.
While crossing river Yamuna, Vasudeva held his baby high over his head. The rain fell in torrents and the river was in spate. But the water made way for Vasudeva and miraculously a five-mouthed snake followed him from behind and provided shelter over the baby.
When Vasudeva reached Gokula, he found the door of Nanda's house open. He exchanged the babies and hurried back to the prison of Kamsa with the baby girl. Early in the morning, all the people at Gokula rejoiced the birth of Nanda's beautiful male child. Vasudeva came back to Mathura and as he entered, the doors of the prison closed themselves.
When Kamsa came to know about the birth, he rushed inside the prison and tried to kill the baby. But this time it skipped from his hand and reaching the sky. She was transformed into the goddess Yogamaya, who told Kamsa: "O foolish! What will you get by killing me? Your nemesis is already born somewhere else."
In his youth Krishna killed Kamsa along with all his cruel associates, liberated his parents from prison, and reinstated Ugrasen as the King of Mathura.

Sunday, August 29, 2010

EAMCET Counselling Procedure/Stages

 EAMCET Counselling Stage 1: Registration for verification of candidates certificates.
1. Help line centre authorities will notify the registration details.
2. Rank card should be handed before you enter.
3. Have patience till your turn comes.
4. Collect receipt after paying registration and counseling fee upon the calling of your rank number.
5. Computer operator provides you the registration cum verification form at the counter.
6. Fill in the registration form with your details like rank, hall ticket no. etc and sign on it.
7. Your are almost done in the process of registration. Wait in the registration hall till you are called.
8. Certificates should be got verified at the verification counter as soon as your turn is called by the registration officer at the counter.

EAMCET Counselling Stage 2: Certificates Verification:

1. Check if the details like name, local area, category, date of birth are correct in the registration cum verification form.
2. Get it corrected by the verification officer in case of any mistake.
3. SC/ST/BC Candidates need to report to the caste verification officer and produce the original caste certificate for verification. After this process completes, make sure you are there at the certificate verification officer for affirmation of other certificates like rank card, marks memo, hall ticket, study and income certificates.
4. OC candidates can skip the above caste verification process and can approach the Certificate verification officer directly.
5. Your original certificates are scrutinized by the officers.
6. Any differences you come across in the print out of receipt of certificate given should be reported and get corrected by the chief verification officer. Also you should sign on it.
7. As soon as you enter the briefing hall you are given instructions for exercising the options.

EAMCET Counselling Stage 3: Exercising Options
1. This process includes the selection of courses and colleges and arranging them in the order of preference.
2. You have to get and keep with you the list of colleges and courses with their corresponding codes and manual and specimen option forms.
3. You are instructed by the officer in the briefing room about the process of exercising options and form filling.
EAMCET Counselling Stage 4: Home works for the exercising options.

1. You can discuss with your parents and friends as to the selection of colleges and courses you are interested in.
2. Option number, college and course codes that you are interested in should be mentioned in the manual option form. Exemplifying, one should write 1 under option number, JNTH under college code and CSE under course code if JNTU, Hyderabad College is opted. Write 2 under option number, JNTH under college and MECH under course code and HYD under district code if mechanical engineering is opted and given second preference. That means, you are allotted the MEC course if the CSE course seat is not available. One can write any number of options like this.
3. You should prompt computer operator to save the options regularly that you have entered or asked computer operator to enter on the screen.
4. Process of entering the options on the screen:
5. Certificate verification should be done in order to start this step.
6. Type in the URL www. or the one specified in the notification.
7. Options can be exercised only after the registration which is done by clicking on the Candidate Registration option. And further options are seen in the Login page by clicking on Candidate Login. All these details are present in the home page of the URL mentioned.
8. For using the Login option, Candidate has to fill up the Candidate registration form and thereby can exercise the options.
9. You will be provided with a password during the registration process with which you can exercise the further options.
10. Password is generated as soon as you enter your details like EAMCET H.T. No., Rank, Application No., Date of Birth and click on the appropriate button.
11. Registration process completes when you click the save button after selecting a password of six characters that at least contains one alphabet.

EAMCET Counselling Stage 5: Options
1. Options can be exercised once you log in with your password.
2. You should Sign in by giving the details of ICR No, Hall ticket no., date of birth and password
3. Go through the instructions keenly. Check box should be selected after you go through the declaration. Explanation on various menu items can be had with a click on Help Screen.

4. After you digest the various options provided there, you can move to the page containing different check boxes for various districts by clicking on the link with the text Click here to Enter Options. This can be navigated even with a click on the link with the text Option Entry form.

5. If you want to see all the colleges across the state click on check all option or otherwise check the box with the district name, of which you wish to see the colleges.

6. Further options can be known by clicking on the Display Option Entry Form.

7. Three and half your courses are distinct with grey color from the creamy yellow colored three year Engineering and Non- engineering courses.
8. Option numbers should be entered by checking the pre filled Specimen option form.
9. Home work for entering such options should be done to avoid confusion and mistakes.
10. Save the options periodically. Three buttons with the options, Save and Logout, Confirm Logout and Cancel Logout are seen when select the Logout option.
11.Click on Confirm logout button displays the details of the selected options, click on Save and Logout button saves the exercised options while Cancel Logout displays the option entry form as it is.
12. Candidates can alter their options after verification by clicking on the button Login for Option Entry.
13. You will not have the chance of altering the options selected on the last day as the options will be locked in the server that day. You can change it as you like before the last date. But after the last day, you can only alter the options on the date scheduled for modification of options by consulting any of the help line centers. After that no one has the chance of changing the options since they are taken for the seat allotment. The entire thing you can do is to take a print out of the options that you have employed.

EAMCET Counselling Stage: 6: Seat allotment:

Merit and Category will be given preference in the seat allotment on the specified date. Once the seats are allotted, it will be displayed in the internet for the students to download. You cannot ask for a change since it is a final allotment.

EAMCET Counselling Stage: 7: Fee payment:

Help line centers and the websites will provide you the challans. Any branch Andhra Bank or Indian Bank will accept the fee remittance with the allotment order that is downloaded. Minority/PH/BC/ST/SC candidates whose parental income falls below one lakh rupees per annum are relieved from tuition fee and special fee.

EAMCET Counselling Stage: 8: College Reporting:

You should report to the specified college in the allotment within the given date along with the downloaded allotment order fee which in case on failure, will cost you the loss of claiming the allotment.
EAMCET Counseling Procedure

Counseling is the difficult time for the students mainly of engineering stream where they will be instress in selecting the course and college that is crucial for the rest of their life.
With the cooperation of authorities, this process has been made a comfortable for the students to choose their college and courses without any obstacle.
Kadapa is added to the list of Hyderabad, Vishakhapatnam, Guntur, Tirupati and Warangal as a counseling center. Students of Rayalseema are benefited by this act with which they are saving the time and travelling expenses. All the six centers carry out counseling at one time.

Details of the ranks called on each day of the counseling and the certificates to be brought to the centers are mentioned in the major newspapers by the Department of Technical Education (DTE).

Process of Counseling
Following are the certificates to be brought by the students as specified: income certificate, caste certificate issued by MRO or DRO (if applicable), study certificates from 6th class to Intermediate, memoranda of marks of Intermediate and SSC. Non-local candidates should bring a document which certifies the residence in the State for the last 10 years.
Candidates should register name, rank category, hall ticket number and time of reporting and should sign on the form at the registration counter before which they are made to wait in the waiting hall.
Checking of all original certificates will be done at the verification counter. Candidates are allowed to the main counseling centre only after the certificates are verified once again. Certificates are pinned when the documents are intact. Much or less the same process is conducted in all the centers across the state.
All the colleges having different courses are listed out for the student to choose as soon as the counseling officer enters the rank and hall ticket number into the computer. Details about the college, hostel facility and the faculty are provided by the Counseling officers.
A form is filled containing five options of the course and colleges selected by the student. Total information is shown on the system based on the preference listed in the form. Only one of the parents is allowed to the allotment counter along with the student. Final decision should be made by the student in consultation with the parent present there.
The counseling officer enters the option into the computer as soon as the candidate selects the options, which will be sent to the main server. Main server is connected to all the counseling centers across the state and receives the options of the students from all regions. Marks sequence is followed in allotting the seat to the students. All the details can be checked by the students like course chosen and the college allotted.

One- stop experience

After the clearance at the allotment counter, students need to go to the bank counters of various banks within the premises for the payment of the prescribed fee. Provisional allotment letter and fee receipt are given to the students. More than 150 students got their seat allotment done within one hour across the state in earlier years.
Detailed information
Students have the option of watching the process of seat allotment and the seats left in various courses and colleges even without entering the counseling counter. Seats allotment and regular updates are displayed on the big screen present outside the counseling counter. This arrangement has been made for students in the waiting hall and other places in order to know the seats remaining in a stream and the availability of the seats.
Students need not get worried that lower rank students getting admission before higher rank ones. The server software is intelligent that it allots the seats in the order of rank sequence only. If a 100th ranker enters the counseling counter, he will be given a seat only after the 99th ranker gets his seat irrespective of the region and counseling center.
Details like candidates name, hall-ticket number, course selected, category they belong and college preferred are displayed on the big screen arranged. It shows all the details of the students across all the regions of the state. So there is no chance of any malpractice anywhere.
In the first phase, the general category seats are completed thereby providing chance for every student to compete. Second phase is conducted for the special category candidates like NCC, sports, CAP and others. This will be followed by the counseling for general category again. Major newspapers contain all the information regarding this.

Local and non-local

Non local candidates will have no reservations. They can only compete for the 15% seats altogether. No university has more than 15% non local students, though they get better ranks. All the three regions Osmania, Andhra and Sri Venkateswara universities are following this rule.

EAMCET Web counseling

How to prepare for EAMCET Web counseling, Basic things to do before going for EAMCET web counseling

After getting EAMCET 2010 ranks in hand, now it is going to be big challenge for the students to select the best college for their rank. Web counseling system had changed the counseling pattern In EAMCET 2009 and many students complain its sheer luck to get choice of college. But, whatever the argument maybe, it was implemented. This year to students have to register their ranks with the eamcet website for the web counseling.
–Preliminary information students need to check the In EAMCET 2009 data available at various websites including official eamcet website. The important point to check, compare the rank that one got with the In EAMCET 2009 rank. In which college and course/ branch the student had got the seat In EAMCET 2009 with the same rank will give a clue to get understanding over the ranks and possible college and course for his rank.
–Students also need to keep in mind that, In EAMCET 2009 rank admission is not just whole criteria. There may be so many changes taking place. New seats were added in the existing colleges and new colleges were permitted this year and some reputed colleges got sanctions for branches etc.
–Additional seats and new colleges will give scope to advance the hope on better rank and better college. For example In EAMCET 2009 one has got a ECE seat in Sri Nidhi with 1200 rank, for this year it may be little flexible and 1300-1400 rankers may also pin hopes on Sri Nidhi ECE branch seat. (This is just an example)
–While going for a mock counseling at any education consultancy or any agent or on your own with any website, student were advised not to take it a final and it is just a possibility.
–While filling up the web counseling options, select as many as best colleges and courses. Don’t know, your luck may trigger. In EAMCET 2009, many students, who were selected the best colleges surprisingly got the seats. A student, with 70,000 rank, never had hopes to get CSE in Vignan College got the seat. It is just because, the optimum care that they have taken while filling the options in web counseling.
–Before registering to web counseling, get the updated list of the engineering colleges and identify the best of your choice and prepare a tentative list. List should have the EAMCET code of the college. There are many colleges with similar names. Beware of those simple mistakes.
–While selecting the college, it is always better to think about the all the aspects like logistics, hostel, academic excellence, previous record, placement history, student preference, additional costs, internal fee structure etc. This will help the parents to plan for next four years.
–Unless It is a must, avoid selecting long distance colleges in web counseling. Try to choose as near as it is possible. Just don’t end up by the thought that, the college may have a bus. This will again a burden and journey obviously makes students tired.

Sunday, August 22, 2010

Sreeram Chandra

24 year old Sreeram Chandra is a professional singer from Hyderabad who sings for Telugu film industry.

His singing career started taking shape right from the school days when he bagged prizes participating at vari

ous contests. He started taking professional singing training in the college days which groomed him up as a complete singer. He is a complete music enthusiast and has performed in various music shows including playback singing for few Telegu movies.He even participated in many Telugu reality shows like SYE, SA RE GA MA PA.

He finds Indian Idol a good platform to get his talent acknowledged beyond the state boundaries and to further carve his potentials as a versatile singer for Hindi Film Industry.

Family of Sreeram Chandra

Sreeram Chandra does not belong to a musical family as Parents of Sreeram Chandra are not from musical background. Father of Sreeram Chandra is an advocate in High Court, Hyderabad and mother of Sreeram Chandra is a housewife.

In spite of non musical background Sreeram Chandra had a passion towards singing and started singing from his school days and during college life he took professional training in singing. Now Sreeram is a professional singer and had done many shows and sang for few telugu movies.


His hobbies include sports such as football & basketball, music such as singing and playing guitar. He auditioned for Indian Idol 5 as he feels he has all the qualities to be India’s next big singing sensation. He feels through Indian Idol, he will able to reach as well as showcase his immense talent to the millions of households in the country.


Okkare: Was conducted by ETV in 2008.(June-December)

Classical Programs:

ANNAMACHARYA project conducted in the year 2005-06 (TIRUPATI), also given

classical concerts around15 to 20 so far.

Voice Of India : Was conducted in the year 2007 (March) by Star Plus.

Sye Singer’s Challenge: Conducted in the year 2006-07, by ETV.

Sangam Kala Group(Delhi): Was conducted in the year November 2006, by Hero Honda

Radio competition Voice of Andhra: Was conducted in the year 2005-06 by FM radio.

Relax songs competition: Was conducted by Mr. RAMANA GOGULA GARU. In the year 2005.

Ananda Ragam Contest: In the year 2004 November 2nd to 5th. Conducted by the team of ANAND (movie)

Play Back Singing:

Started play back singing at the age of 17, after winning the ANANDA RAAGAM CONTEST. He sung for 28 devotional albums and did many jingles Hindi private Album (titled HUM).


1.ASTA CHAMMA (2008), Music Director: KALYANI MALIK,

2.PRAYANAM (2009), Music Director: MAHESH SHANKER,


4.NOTEBOOK (2007), Music Director: MICKY J MAYER,

5.NERAMU SIKSHA (2009), Music Director: KOTI,

6.NACHAVU ALLUDU (2009), Music Director: KOTI,

7.JALLU (2009), Music Director: NIHAL,

8.18, 20 Love Story (2009), Music Director: SRI MURALI,

9.ONE (2009), Music Director: SRI VASANT,

10.HAPPY JOURNEY (2008), Music Director: NAVEEN BHARATWAJ,

11.Sunami7X (2008), Music Director: GORANTLA KRISHNA,


13.CHEEKATILO (2006), Music Director: LALIT SURESH,

14.MULLA KIREETAM, (2005), Music Director: RAJA REDDY,

15.APPLE (2005), Music Director: LALIT SURESH,

16.MURDER, (Telugu),





Solo Background


2.Hasini, Music Director Sri Koti

3.Kothimuka, Music Director

Stage Shows:

He started performing at the age of 8 up to now he have done about 80 stage shows including classical and filmy music. He also done shows with reputed singers – Sri. MANO, Sri. MALATHI, Sri. SUNITHA. He Have done Corporate Shows with LIMCA.

